
Went for an interview today. The female interviewer said to me, "working life will get tougher, you must be able to flex." Who say i cant be flex? Despite how much i hate nursing, im still in this bloody field after 9 years. Not like my best buddy whom i got to know in nursing school, she went into another career after graduated. The biggest problem about me is that i havnt find a working place that i like. The interviewer said im not young anymore and should think about it.  Not that i didnt think or try, just that i havnt find a suitable one. Some people are just lucky to find a right job at early age. People like me who are still struggling, more often they will have mid career change. I did think about it before. Passion or money? Very hard to choose. If i choose passion, confirm will earn lesser. My nursing degree will be wasted too. If i choose money, then i have to stick to nursing. Haiz.. 


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