Code Blue/Doctor Heli

thanks to Sil for the good recommend.. love this show very much becos it about ER, my dept.. haha.. but we r not so advance like having helicopter in hosp, operation done in ward instead OT when condition turn bad and thoractomy (very rare.. haf not seem it yet) etc. however like intubation, chest tube insertion is very common for cardiac case and injury due to accident.
although there are many negative feedbacks and complaints abt how slow we are, im still very proud as a ER nurse. its kinda sad with those comments cos they doesnt know how hard we work and to deal with so many patients.
"i will write to the forum" it always happened. come on, who cares? they dont know that the nonsense they created and the time we spent talking to them are wasting our time. with those time tat can be save from talking to 1 family, we can settle 1 to 2 patients case. that explains the delay and they do contribute to it.
okie.. stop nagging anymore.. back to this drama, its really good cos it mention a few medical terms and most of it are very interesting to know and if u are keen to know more, u can search at medline plus.
i will briefly explain some interesting terms..
cardio tamponade is accumulation of fluid in pericardium and it must be withdraw out immediately.
AAA(triple A) is abdominal aortic aneurysm, rupture of aorta near abdominal. another dangerous condition which require immediate attention, any delay will cause death. i often encounter this in my dept. its very difficult to diagnose as pt often complain abdominal pain or just only thigh pain. they can appear well with stable vital sign at triage area and next second, they just collapse immediately. scary~~
ALS is degeneration of motor neuron that control our motor. if u haf watch "1 litre of tear", u will know wat it is and the symptoms as it progress. until now, there is no cure and the only treatment is to rehab to slow down the disease.
FFP(fresh frozen plasma) is the fluid part in blood and usually use for replacement in large amount of blood loss
pls correct me if there is any wrong. for more details, pls consult doctor.. haha..
my fellow colleagues who work hard..

once again.. im so so so proud of accident and emergency department and the uniform i wear... i will work hard too!
some ep link is broken.. u can search in youtube..