i want a holiday

saw an ad in magazine
recruiting participants for a variety show "i want a holiday"
2 in a team
age 18-40
email em with personal details, country u wish to go and reasons
chance to win travel package

sound interesting.. might be chinese version of amazing race??
travel to certain country, play games etc
so sis n me emailed em for fun
few days later, they called me
to go down for an audition
did i hear wrongly??
mediacorp for audition??

on 19 nov, we went down..
fill in our details..
and was brought to a room
3 interviewers facing us
i was thinking..
is audition or job interviewing?
look so serious sia..
they questioned us why we want to participate
y we choose japan etc
i told em tat i tot it might be something like chinese ver of amazing race??
sis ans em tat becos we nv been there before and jap is the icon of fasion etc
then 1 of em ask, do u all know how to speak the language??
i shook my head..
my sis said YES
OMG.. she know meh?
my heart was beating fast..
tat interviewer ask sis to say something in jap
my heart beat even faster..
oh dear.. she know anot??
sis declined.. saying beri paisey..
tat interviewer say if we were choosen and will be on TV
how can say paisey leh?
i tell my sis to say something if she really know
and she said a bunch of words tat i dun even understand at all
my sis was really amazing sia
nv expect tat she speak tat well..

1 of the interviewer keep nodding his head
like hinting tat my sis perform very good
they told us tat this variety show is not amazing race
the shooting is inside mediacorp
something similar like 环岛追追追
if tat episode is playing abt japan
they will ask question regarding jap la
need to speak in jap la
chance to win package to jap
3 teams VS
1 will be eliminate
remaining 2 teams will compete in next episode
the highest score the better the package will be
they will notify us again within a month if we were selected

hopefully we can get a chance to play.. wahaha


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